A review by ashlylynne
Suicide Squad Vol. 2: Basilisk Rising (the New 52) by Adam Glass


3.5 Stars

The Suicide Squad is back in the field after barely recovering from their last mission. Their boss, Amanda Waller, has forced them back into action too quickly for their liking. This time, though, we’ll learn what has been hinted at from the start: Someone on the Squad is a traitor–working for Basilisk. Will the team be able to stop Basilisk from rising? Who will survive?

What I didn’t like.

The ending of the last comic was left unresolved.
This is very irritating, honestly. Like, why have that ending if you’re not even going to elaborate on that started storyline even a little bit? I wanted more of it, and didn’t get any. Maybe in the next volume?

The storyline stayed very static. The second volume was basically the first volume with a different topic. We still are given too little information for what’s going on. I know that vagueness is important for a story to move forward with tension, but there was too much vagueness in this volume. I need to know more because right now I’m just very confused.

Basilisk looks like Loki on steroids.

Basilisk is basically Hydra.

Boobs are still unnecessarily large and impractically uncovered.

What I liked.

The story was
, once again, fun to read. I did enjoy what was happening, even if it felt a bit unoriginal. I found what was happening interesting, even if some of it was hard to follow.

I enjoyed the background on Amanda Waller and how Suicide Squad came about. So, at least there were some answers found in this comic. Even if they weren’t the particular answers I’ve been after, they were still interesting, none the less, and did a good job of moving the comic forward.

The characters stayed about the same. They were, like the plot, pretty stagnant, but they were appealing. I was, once again, hoping for them to succeed despite them all being terrible human beings (or terrible sharks, I guess). I liked the development of Waller. This comic made her more real and not just a voice running an operation.

The artwork was, once again, pretty and vibrantly colorful.

The verdict? I do recommend this one if you’ve found yourself invested in the series.
It’s fun. It’s interesting. It’s gory. But, like the first, don’t get your hopes too high.

Review originally published on my Wordpress blog Dreaming Through Literature.

Review of Suicide Squad, Vol. 1