A review by liferhi_inspired
Cover Your Eyes by Mary Burton


Before I get into all of the good things about the book, let me tell you a few things that threw me a bit:
1) I have no idea where the title of this story came from, even after I read the book. I think that Mary Burton could have chosen a title that better described the story.
2) The cover of this book threw me for a loop by the end of the story. Again, even at the end of this story I had absolutely no idea where the idea for it came from.
3) This book was given to me as a Mystery/Thriller Romance, please be aware that there is very little romance involve in this story. So if you are really hoping for any kind of romantic relationship between characters, you might want to try another book.

After all of the above is mentioned, I'd like to say that I really enjoyed this novel. I was enthralled in this story and it kept me guessing the entire way through. I did have some high hopes for more of a romance between Rachel and Deke, but overall the story was good even without it. There is a wide variety of characters throughout the book and they all felt like real people. The dialogue flowed really nicely and felt authentic. However, my absolute favorite thing abut this book was how well Mary Burton crafted this story to give you just enough details to unravel the story without giving anything away until the very end. I wasn't able to solve the mystery until the very end, which was a HUGE bonus!

Overall I thought that this book was fabulous, and I will definitely keep my eyes out for more book by Mary Burton

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinions*