A review by faeriedrumsong
Angel Secrets: Stories Based on Jewish Legend by Miriam Chaikin


I don't know exactly how I felt about this book. I am not a super religious person, (a lapsed Catholic) and I typically enjoy stories based on some part of a religious faith. Any faith. But these left me unsettled in a way. I couldnt decide if what I was reading was pure made up fiction, or a text that was trying to teach me Jewish stories.

Now, to be clear, I have no problem learning jewish stories. I read the Torah (mostly) when I was in high school just out of curiosity. But *which one is this* is the question. Is it a religious text or not? I mean, I feel the same about some christian fiction. Is it trying to tell a story, or trying to sell a faith?

Without an answer, my feeling on this one is less than I had hoped.