A review by lotus_lo
The Ivory Key by Akshaya Raman


This book is an adventure! All of the characters were so dynamic and complex, and my feelings on them kept changing as they revealed more of themselves to us. I loved how we switched between POV characters, I found them all interesting, even if I agreed with some of them more than others. By the end of the book, I felt as though I was reading family therapy mixed with an Indiana Jones movie.
At one point I wasn't sure how the author was going to make a sequel, we were coming up on the end and it felt as though we were finished, the story was done. And then I knew we were going to have to get another book, and I'm so excited.

To read my full, in-depth review go to my website here: https://lotusfloweredlit.com/2022/02/22/the-ivory-key-by-akshaya-raman-review/ The full review is now up!