A review by thewitchybibliophile
Claimed by Raven Amor


I had never devoured a book so fast as I did with Claimed. I have been dying to know the answers to so many things that happened in Captured and my mind is literally blown. I was down this rabbit hole that the author created. The raw pain and emotions coursing through both Ice and Rae is so intense that you feel it just bleed off the pages. Seeing what these two go through and how they fight back, oh my stars, my heart hurt so much. But their connection is something for the ages. It is deep, passionate and so much more. Honestly there are no words to describe the love that these two share.
With every twist and turn, my heart was in my throat. How Rae fights, how Ice is dying to find her. How this all implodes and is something so much bigger. I have rarely found a book that consumes me like this duet has. If you haven’t read Captured, do so before you touch Claimed. You need to know it all, as it is a complete duet. All I can say is this duet is hands down one of my tops reads of the year. It was so unique! I highly recommend it if you are an MC lover!