A review by jilljemmett
The Good Mother by Karen Osman


This book was amazing!

I don't want to give away the ending so I won't say too much about the plot.

I liked the characters. I was drawn right into Kate's, Alison's, and Catherine's stories. Each of them had a distinct point of view so I could always tell them apart. I was a little confused at first by the time periods. Each of their stories are happening decades apart, but it took a while to figure that out.

I was going to finish this book before bed, but I'm glad I didn't because I would have been up all night if I did. I had just figured out the ending but reading that I was right was very exciting.

This is a very cleverly woven story. It doesn't appear to be a thriller for most of the story, but the ending definitely gives it thriller status. I highly recommend this book if you're looking for an exciting story!

I received a copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for a review.