A review by timinbc
River of Stars by Guy Gavriel Kay


My, GGK seems to attract a lot of people who use his books as a chance to show how smart they are, and moan about how it isn't the book they wanted it to be.

I'm not one of them. I'd give this six stars if I could.

Take one hero, perhaps a little overdone, a little MarySue-ish, but see early on that he's a misfit who's going to try to be a world-changer. Add a female lead, also a misfit, and see that she is going to be bumping up against constraints all her life.

Draw a picture of the a culture's complex web of power, political manoeuvring, intrigue, sudden reversals of fortune, etc. Add a few intelligent people who are quite good at playing the political game.

Now put some barbarians at the gates, stir the hero and heroine into that culture, watch how they interact with it, and try to guess how it will end.

Sprinkle in just a touch of the supernatural, as you would have to in that era. No flying over building roofs, just a bit of intervention.

With the plot resolution, we see that all those clever moves everyone has been making are coming together to create an unavoidable and possibly unresolvable conflict. The ending is the perfect cap on that.

Some don't like Kay's occasional asides to the reader. But then some didn't like the idea of a narrator in "The Princess Bride" either. I liked it. It was like enjoying another Kay novel in the company of a trusted old storyteller who's enjoying watching me read it and occasionally comments on my reactions.

Best of all, I think, is that there were few cardboard stock characters. Everyone did things that made sense for the character as presented to us. No mustache-twirling bad guys who are bad because they LIKE being bad; just people who are doing what they think they ought to do in each situation.

People die - a lot of people die, some unexpectedly, many suddenly and brutally. That's the way it was in the China that Kay is almost describing.

In the end, the book turns about to be about duty, and devotion, and love, and how the choices we face aren't always the ones we hoped to face.

One complaint: Ren is implausibly good with his bow, or even an unfamiliar one. Well up into the level of Robin Hood splitting his opponent's arrow. Well, Kay did say that sometimes legends end up a little beyond reality ...