A review by readabookorfive
Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia


I loved this book so deeply. I was nervous going in because I had heard some not so amazing things about this story but I absolutely adored it.

I think my favourite thing about this book was definitely the characters, I loved all of them, apart from Tad, and all of their stories were interesting and I was genuinely invested in all of the main cast. Especially Grim he was truly the PUREST and softest boy ever.

My only small thing about the book was that I think I was expecting it to be really spooky and it just wasn’t. I didn’t find any of it to be spooky or scary which is fine because I ended up loving it so much and so deeply it just wasn’t quite what I was expecting but I am so happy that I read it because I mean it was a 5* read