A review by inesscm
The Kingdom of Gods by N.K. Jemisin


4.5 stars

This book was such a neat conclusion to this trilogy! After feeling a bit underwhelmed with Oree's story in book 2 (which, turns out after reading this last instalment, has some important consequences for the overall arc), I loved reading from the perspective of Sieh, who was one of my favourite characters since book 1. Being a godling, his perspective was different from Yeine's and Oree's, which I really appreciated. I also enjoyed reading about the relationships he develops with the Arameri twins Shahar and Deka. I loved the fact that we got to see so much of Yeine again
Spoiler, in her new position has one of the Three

The ending was a bit dreamy, but it was the best-paced ending of the three books and it offered an interesting conclusion for the general plot. Jemisin's writing is still the highlight of the novel - dreamy, magical, urgent - it draws you in quickly and you cannot stop reading.

Finally, I truly loved the short story Not the End, included at the end of the book. It happens after the events of this third book, but it wraps the story of Oree and Shiny from The Broken Kingdoms beautifully in just a handful of pages.