A review by melliedm
Return to Labyrinth, Vol. 2 by Chris Lie, Jake T. Forbes, Sarah Tangney, Tim Beedle


Well, it didn't get worse. But it didn't get better, either. Boring, lazy boy with no redeeming qualities is The Chosen One, and has next to no personality traits. Remember Sarah, who had flaws and strengths? This interpretation of a grown up Toby doesn't get any, which makes the story drag painfully as we see him Be Bad At Things... And then a few pages later Be Good At Things because, idk. Chosen one? And let's burn some pages on a macaroni and cheese fetch quest. And do some demolition work on Jareth's character.

Why is that brilliant fanfiction exists across the internet, and this fanfiction has a four part Tokyo Pop series? The mystery continues.