A review by akjohn90
Break You by MV Ellis


  • Description of characters were hard to understand and make out
  • Random points of view were thrown in there for what im not sure 
  • The beginning started out strong but fell 
  • Plot was there but it wasn't strong. 
  • I also didn't like how kain female and male were. I understand he's an asshole and is suppose to be but the way he even treated his guy friends was awful and there was no meat to his character where I could over look these "flaws". The main female character I did like that she was a BA but then when it came to the point where she was suppose to be mad, there wasn't as big of a blow up and fall out as I would of thought. 
  • I'm never one for Grammer errors etc but there was one chapter that said it was the female POV but it kept saying she. She. She. Like it was the males POV but it said the female so that was really confusing. 
  • I think the concept was there and there were some good lines in that book but as a whole it still needed some work. Thoughts were still unclear on certain parts of the book.