A review by harleyrae
Invisibility by Andrea Cremer


I had gotten this book from my mom for my birthday, and i was a little shaky on reading it at first. Not sure if i wanted to read or not, but i finally decided i have to read it or i'll never get to it and it will just collect dust in my room. And well this book just didn't do anything for me, the concept behind it was good but other than that a dead end for me.

Invisibility is about a boy named Stephen who is well invisible. No one has ever seen him before, not even his own mother. Until one day a new family moves next door to him and the daughter, Elizabeth, can see him. Never had been seen before Stephen doesn't know what to do. But soon Stephen and Elizabeth begin falling in love, and along the way they try to break the curse that was put on Stephen before he was even born.

Like i said before there was a good concept behind it, i mean come he's invisible, not everyday i read about about invisible people. The first 100 pages were probably they best, to me it almost seemed like a sad romantic, not a huge fan of that but was gonna try. Then all of a sudden it took a turn for the weird and next thing you know curses and strange people start showing up. It kinda lost me at that point.

The character i didn't really care for. I like Laurie, and at time i like Stephen. But i just didn't like Elizabeth, she rubbed me the wrong way. At first i was OK with her, she didn't bug me she was just there. Then the farther i got into the book, the more i began to dislike her, and by the end i just wanted to skip all the chapters that were her point of view. She really bugged me.

Its not that this was a bad book, it just wasn't my book. But hey if you like invisible boys, curses, and forbidden love give it a shot.