A review by bookishnicole
Revolution 19 by Gregg Rosenblum


This book was really interesting. I completely loved the concept of the book and the way that you were introduced to the whole concept was really awesome. In a future world where we were over run by robots, this is where our tragic trio live. This new book is (I believe) the first in a new series.

I wasn't totally enthralled with this book like I thought I might be. I really loved the concept, and think that it is Robopocalypse for the younger crowd. I think the reason that I didn't really like it was that I didn't connect with the characters other than on a superficial level.

I felt badly that these things were happening to Cass, Kevin, and Nick, that their home was blown up and that they had to go rescue their parents, but I didn't get a feel for who they were past the protective big brother, the middle sister who was really adopted, and the little brother who just screwed everything up. I didn't care when a charactered died because she was given no depth or real personality.

I felt that this book really had a lot of potential, there was so much more to the revolution and what happened with the robots that was only hinted at, and I suppose that is understandable, but sometimes if the first book isn't received well, you don't get books two and three which can be really unfair for the reader.

I loved the cliffhanger ending, and I'm really hoping that we do get a second book to dive more into detail about Cass, Kevin and Nick. I liked that there was the beginnings of their seperate personalities, I just wish that there had been more development on that and less on the tech details that went over my head. This was a great quick read for a lazy afternoon.