A review by latviadugan
The Attributes of God Volume 1: A Journey Into the Father's Heart by A.W. Tozer


“When we come to God our need determines which of God’s attributes we’ll celebrate.”

As always, Tozer presents us with a magnificent vision of God, and guides us to worship Him and live our lives in light of these attributes. The book is a collection of sermons and includes a helpful study guide (not written by Tozer). After discussing each attribute, the Study Guide suggests asking two questions: How does my understanding of this particular attribute have implications for my relationship with God? If I truly believed this attribute of God, how would it change the way I live?

Following are some quotes that stood out to me from each chapter.

God’s Infinitude:

“Christianity is a gateway into God. And the when you get into God, ‘with Christ in God,’ then you’re on a journey into infinity, into infinitude. There is no limit and no place to stop.”
“We mean by infinite that God knows no limits, no bounds and no end. What God is, He is without boundaries. All that God is, He is without bounds or limits.”

“We ought to stop thinking like scientists and start thinking like psalmists.”

God’s Immensity:

“God is above, but He’s not pushed up. He’s beneath, but He’s not pressed down. He’s outside, but He’s not excluded. He’s inside, but He’s not confined. God is above all things presiding, beneath all things sustaining, outside of all things embracing and inside of all things filling. That is the immanence of God. God doesn’t travel to get anywhere.”

“Why aren’t Christians the happiest, the most easeful people in all the world? Because we seek to have our rest in things that are so little.” [Quoting Lady Julian]

God’s Goodness:

“God is kindhearted, gracious, good-natured and benevolent in intention.”

“Remember that you can answer every question with this expression: ‘God out of His goodness willed it. God out of His kindness willed it.”

God’s Justice:

“When God justifies a sinner everything in God is on the sinner’s side.”

God’s Mercy:

“It was the mercy of God that gave us Calvary, not Calvary that gave us mercy.”

“There is only one answer to why God loved you: because God is love.”

God’s Grace:

“Atonement was made in his death, but how was atonement made in His death? Let’s not vulgarize it by trying to understand it. Let’s stand and gaze at the cross and say, ‘O Lord God, Thou knowest! Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!”

God’s Omnipresence:

“Omnipresence means God is … close to everywhere.”

“The sinner is so dissimilar to God that the distance is one of character, not of space.”

God’s Immanence:

“Most Christians are theological Christians. They’re trying to by happy without a sense of the Presence. We are praying for a manifestation of the presence. Not the presence, but the manifestation of the presence. Christ is God manifest to mankind.”

God’s Holiness:

“Holiness means purity. We mean rectitude; we mean honor; we mean truth and righteousness; we mean all of these – uncreated and eternal.”

God’s Perfection:

“It is possible for an unholy thing to be pretty or attractive, even charming. But it is not possible for it to be beautiful. Only that which is holy can be beautiful ultimately.”