A review by bobosbookbank
Lost Love by Kelly Elliott


This is my first read from author Kelly Elliott and the first in the Cowboys and Angels series. First, the good stuff! I enjoyed the cast of characters, the Parker siblings were hilarious and I actually liked that the brothers were all manwhores (with the exception of Steed) because it'll make their stories more interesting later. I liked that Steed was so lamentable for his past actions. I'm a firm believer in the power of saying (and meaning) sorry and his actions and words were very effective. Paxton was incredibly sweet, strong and in the end forgiving. I was able to relate to her the most, completely felt her anguish and sorrow. Last, adorable little Chloe, Steed's daughter. Don't we all WISH our kids were that angelic?!? The only reason why this story wasn't perfect for me was because it became a tad sappy and repetitive for my tastes. I wanted Steed to be more ALPHA and dominant. Otherwise, this was a good book about forgiveness and starting over, about family and small town life. Told from dual POVs with a sweet end. I received, read and voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.