A review by minvanwin
Animals Make Us Human: Creating the Best Life for Animals by Temple Grandin


My dog's emotional health took a dramatic turn for the worse when we moved a few weeks ago. After her extreme separation anxiety induced panic attack, I needed answers on what was going on in her fragile little head. Most dog books I found are boring training manuals. They focus on animal behaviors and rehash lessons from doggy obedience class 101. Grandin's book is so different in that respect. She focuses on the emotional systems underlying animals' behaviors. Grandin provides insights into what humans can do to understand and better meet their pets' complex emotional needs. I came for the dogs because of issues in my personal life. But I stayed for the cats, horses, cows, pigs, poultry, wildlife, and zoo animals because of Grandin's deep respect for animals, strong sense of ethics, and thought-provoking ideas.