A review by lisa01
Man Flu by S.J. Ryan


I would t say this book was hilarious. Although I did laugh out loud a couple times. I mostly smirked and smiles. Rick and Logan I wanted to smack them both separately a couple times. Rick because he was kinda jerky the way he talked to/about Hannah and even when watching his child. Logan because he was so cryptic when talking to Hannah.
I wanted to put the book down a couple different times but never did.
The writing was mostly engaging. I got bored a few times and had to reread passages to figure out what the author was trying to say.
If you have weak stomach for flu issues beware.
Also there are many truer than true passages about men being sick. There was a couple cute scenes there. Like when Hannah says to the boys “ you know I was sick too. (When they were acting like they were dying) They replied not like them. There’s was much worse than hers. Ha hA Typical.
I will also say I loved the cover on this book. The coloring and guy are what drew me to read this...and I had read man servant.