A review by shevydw
The Norths Meet Murder by Frances Lockridge, Richard Lockridge


Maybe objectively a 3 1/2 star book, but I had fun so I’m rounding up.

Full disclosure, I only read this book because Multnomah county library accidentally put it (well, actually a later one in the series) on their list of Lambda award finalists. While I did realize it was written in 1940 and therefore not a legitimate finalist, I thought I’d have a go anyway. Overall, it proved a light, fun, golden age mystery. Not particularly revolutionary, but a great comfort read, if murder mysteries are what you turn to in anxious times like these. And the main trio had a delightful Singin’ in the Rain vibe, if you know what I mean. (Yeah, that’s the euphemism we’re going with from now on.)

(Heads up for some period-typical racism with regards to the Japanese suspect, although the worst of it doesn’t really go anywhere.)