A review by mommagracereads
A Book Club's Guide to Murder and Mayham by Bethany Barker



Super quick read but not surprising, most cozy mysteries normally are. 

Suzie comes in to an unexpected inheritance, the fact it came from an estranged ex-boyfriend made the situation even more boggling for her. In the midst of sorting out her new property, a murder investigation is underway - as she had found the body of the lawyer who had been on his way to inform Suzie of her ex’s will and what he had bequeathed her.

Several people involved with her ex start popping up out of the woodwork, trying to intimate Suzie and get her to give up what was given to her. She finds herself working with her book club as amateur sleuths, even though a handsome detective tells her to stay out of the investigation.

While the mystery was intriguing and I wanted to find out whodunnit, I didn’t feel as if this was written in the best way. Several chapters ended incredibly abruptly. It felt stopped in the middle of a thought. I also felt the whole inheritance thing wasn’t resolved fully. Was it really willed to Suzie because he regretted his past actions towards her, or did he do it to keep the property and its contents out of his greedy girlfriends’ hands? I feel as if Suzie could have found a hidden letter from her ex explaining everything and it would have helped wrap things up nicely.