A review by sadiereadsagain
Twins by Marcy Dermansky


Whilst I was drawn in to this book quite quickly, it did take a while to win me over. The powerful individual voice of Sue stood out for me straight away, but I struggled with believing the very dysfunctional relationship you have thrown at you right off the bat. At first it felt too false, too dramatic and desperate. But as the situations and characters developed I did find myself understanding more how a close, competitive relationship could be so damaging between teenage girls struggling to grow in a wasteland of a family. I thought how each twin had their own journey was really what made this book so interesting. The story raises lots of questions about the pressure put on girls to be perfect, and is brave enough to examine parts of teenage girlhood that are still quite taboo and hushed. Yes, it's extreme and probably a bit far fetched, but ultimately I felt the story benefited from the situations the author puts the girls through. My only grumble really was that the ending was a bit too neat and saccharine...