A review by balthazarlawson
With Our Blessing by Jo Spain


The body of a nun is found in a park in central Dublin. But the case soon moves west to the village of Kilcross in Limerick and the convent where she was in charge. Tom Reynolds and his term soon uncover a past, that is based on reality and has shocked Ireland, which is still coming to terms with. But this doesn't lead to the killer and only creates more leads. He has to work his way through the possibilities, as there are many red herrings thrown into the story. Of course the killer is ultimately uncovered.

However, getting there is a bit long winded and confusing with so many possibilities. Some of which were not really needed and there explanation was confusing. Having so many leads means the story kind of lost it's way at times. I may not have picked the individual who was the perpetrator but I had worked out who the killer would be very early on.

So, in the end, it was only an average sort of read that could have just as easily be called: Nasty Nuns and Paedophile Priests