A review by emilyesears
The Camino: A Journey of the Spirit by Shirley MacLaine


My mom has always wanted to walk the Camino de Santiago ever since she studied abroad in Spain in college. She's never done it, but lately we've been discussing going on it together more and more. She is worried that she's only got 10 years or so left before her health gets bad and recently one of her best friends went on the pilgrimage because my mom had talked it up so much.

So with that in mind, and with a desire to get a jump start on my 2018 goal of reading the books I already own, I picked up this book that my Mom had lent me way back in 2014.

I was expecting a travelogue and instead got pages and pages of Shirley MacLaine's visions and past lives. The brief parts where she actually discusses her journey are interesting, but there was so little of that as to be useless. Would have DNFed the book if my Mom hadn't given it to me. I'm actually surprised she recommended it at all--she's usually really practical. Maybe it's been so long since she read it that she's forgotten how ridiculous it is.