A review by shuly
Yentl's Revenge: The Next Wave of Jewish Feminism by Danya Ruttenberg, Susannah Heschel


Overall, I'd say that while I really enjoyed the collection, certain essays lagged behind the pack. There were some pretty progressive, exciting thoughts on trans people and people of color but much of it felt like it was presented for a white/cis audience--it's readily apparent that the book was designed with a early 30s cis white Ashkenazi jewish woman, which isn't a bad thing, but for those of us who don't fit that description it sometimes felt like we were outsiders to a conversation among those people.

All that being said, I think a lot of that has to do with the time this was published. Popular feminist discourse has come a long way in the last decade and I'd really like to see a collection of modern feminist jewish women in the future, featuring trans women's voices and more space for women of color!