A review by rjvrtiska
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver


I listened to this book in January, in Sweden, so I appreciate her absolution of mid-Winter readers, as well as her recognition of the tempation to import food varieties when she visited Montréal.
Moving to Sweden has forced me to lose some of the headway we made in healthy, local eating in the US, and gain some protections from EU food regulations.
There will never be a Swedish conterpart to this book. The traditional locavore Swedish diet invented surströmming (canned fermented herring) and caused mass starvation and migration in the mid 1800s-see Minnesota for proof of the residual effects. However, now that I’m better able to read labels and ask questions, I need to do more to buy things like local grain and root vegetables. Swedish animal rights laws, EU food regulations, and Scott’s hunting keep us well-stocked with good local meat and animal products.
Audio Note: As much as I love listening to a US Southern accent, I eventually sped up the reading speed to 1.25, and reduced the listening time by 2 hours. Apologies to all my friends from South of the Mason-Dixon.