A review by guisepps
Star Wars: Darth Vader - Dark Lord of the Sith Vol. 4: Fortress Vader by Charles Soule


Great final end to Charles Soules' tetralogy on Vader.

It starts off strong with an interesting inquisitor assignment and subsequent betrayal and then follows up into a really interesting arc of the creation of Vader's fortress. I enjoyed the addition of Momin in the story - it allowed the book to drop into some wicked sith lore and explantion of a dope former sith lord too.

The artwork in this volume also felt like it hit its pinacle. From the speeder chase, to the backdrops of mustafa, to the Momin duel, and finally the finale of Vader going through into the spritual realm. One thing ive loved across the board has been Vaders spiritual state and how hes both filled with the swirling rage and absent of limbs... such a cool design

Overall, these have been great and I felt this drew an awesome conclusion. Over the volumes it built vader from a sith rookie gaining his first sith light saber, all the way to him destroying another sith lord and cementing himself as a Baba Yaga of the galaxy. I will be reccomending this tetralogy to any Star Wars fans in future.