A review by ria_mhrj
Truths, Half Truths and Little White Lies by Nick Frost


I was excited to read this because I'm a huge fan of Spaced, Shaun of the Dead and so on, and Nick Frost has always been an exceptionally charming actor. I was expecting perky fluff, a history of his epic bromance with Simon Pegg and loads of anecdotes about their film and TV exploits. So you can imagine my disappointment that Spaced wasn't really mentioned until around page 260-something of a 300 page book.

It's a brave book, depicting a tough life and thoughtfully reflecting on fairness, chances and relativity. Depression isn't an easy thing to deal with and it seems like Nick Frost used this book for catharsis, as his family and his formative experiences make up the bulk of the biography.

Buuuut, my expectations were thwarted, and I feel bad for saying it because this was RAW and I don't want to belittle the book. A fellow book clubber lent me this book saying, "It's really funny" and so I assumed it would be full of hilarious hijinks and memories of how some of my favourite pop culture was created. And in fairness, I laughed a lot, even when Nick Frost is discussing some of his toughest experiences, he never loses his sense of humour and he has a very nice, conversational style.

So, I was hoping for a book full of hilarious Hot Fuzz anecdotes (Timothy Dalton! What a diamond geezer, etc.) but I instead got a gut-wrenching tale of a working class man who stumbled his way into the career of his dreams. Not without its merits, but not what I was expecting either.