A review by sonia_reppe
Leave Me by Gayle Forman


Of all the ARCs I got last week while BEA was in Chicago, this is the one I chose to read first, and I loved it. The premise hooked me: a harried mother of twin 4-year-olds has a heart attack, and then finds it impossible to recuperate at home with the demands of the household, and her husband is being a jerk, so she withdraws money from savings and leaves (she leaves a note for her husband). This is a fantasy that I can relate to, as other women can too, I'd bet. So I loved the premise and also I liked Forman's YA book, If I Stay, (made into a movie which was really good too). Where would Forman take this, I wondered? So many possibilities.

The writing flows along and is fresh, lean and trim. There is not a superfluous word in here, and it captures so much; it makes you sympathize with the main character, Maribeth.

As for the story, Forman doesn't go all out fantasy--she keeps it realistic. Maribeth's inner journey is very interesting; what will she decide for her future?
Forman explores deep questions, not just about marriage but about how close friendships change over the years too.

The one thing that I wasn't interested in were the short letters Maribeth wrote--but didn't send--to her kids while she was on vacation (or in hiding, whatever you want to call it). So I skimmed over those. At least they were very short.

This book will make you think, and keep you guessing. Maribeth isn't perfect. Maybe she tries to do too much and maybe she will realize that. Maybe her husband will never forgive her, or maybe he will apologize, or maybe...? I would love to discuss this with a book club. (And Okay, I'm not a harried mom anymore, haven't been for years, (my daughter is a self-sufficient 13-year-old), but I'm sometimes an exasperated wife). If you're looking for another good book with a similar premise, [b:Nine Months|13517120|Nine Months|Paula Bomer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359951378s/13517120.jpg|19074946] by Paula Boomer.