A review by amybraunauthor
Give the Dark My Love by Beth Revis


This is one of those books that I love more and more the longer I think about it. I haven't read many necromancy books as of late, so it was original and fun to read a book that has it as its core. Bearing that in mind as I went in, I was a little surprised at how "slow" the story began.

That said, the book centred on the characters, the main of the two being Nedra, who is phenomenal. I absolutely adore her. She is complex and layered and so sympathetic. Everything she did and said made sense to me and I understood her motivations, even as she pushed herself too hard. And when she was pushed over the edge, I understood her reactions, too.

Grey is also a great character, and I would love to see more of him. He's a sweetheart and while he makes mistakes, I never doubted his intentions or that his heart was in the right place. I would love to see their romance expanded on more, because...

The ending was CRAZY. The climax was explosive and nail-biting, twist after twist and intense carnage having speed through the pages because I needed to know what happened next. One of the best endings I've read this year, and it leaves me with so many questions I need answered!

Another thing I want to touch on are the emotions felt in this book. It truly is a work from the heart, and there were more than a few moments where I felt the gut-punch the author was going for. This has ben an exciting, dark, gripping read with a fascinating and morally complex main character, and I can't wait to see how it all wraps up.