A review by bellajune819
Best Friends Forever by Shannon Hollinger


Mystery thrillers of who done it always keep you on your toes. Bestfriend forever is one of those. After being gone from her small town Kate returns after an urgent call from her kid sister, only to find her mom has broken a hip and needs help. This forces Kate to be stuck in the whole she fears. As she begins settling in she discovers her very best friend, someone she fears has died. With Emma gone Kate is left feeling like something is wrong and suspicious with her death. Making Kate question if Emma was a murderer.

I enjoyed this book a lot and it had a different writing style with being 3rd POV, and sometimes 1st, which could be distracting at times. The flashbacks were an element used to establish what occurred in the past which made me constantly want to skip the present to figure out the past.

The beginning of the book was slow as it was creating the setting, but things really start picking up around the 40% mark and then you cannot put the book down. I read way later than I should have that night. It was fast paced and with so much going on you had so many questions.

Overall, I gave this book a 3.5/5 because although it’s well written. The POV switch’s from 1st to 3rd, was difficult to follow at times, even though it was done to establish different times. It was continue forward.

The answer Kate was looking for was something I guessed closer to 75% but even then I wasn’t 100% sure. With this not being obvious on who the killer is, lead to it being more enjoyable since it wasn’t a give away, there was still twists, where I couldn’t figure out the why to the character motives until it was revealed to the audience.

I received this as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.