A review by harmony
Ascendant Sun by Catherine Asaro


As I read through the book, I started to realize that I'd read this one before. It had been long enough that it was more like deja vous than actually knowing what came next, and I enjoyed it as much this time as I vaguely recall enjoying it the first time. Kelric is so beautiful that people fight and even go to war to possess him, but he's baffled by what they see in him and not very vain, which frankly I find unbelievable, but the rest of the book I very much liked, including the trials he faces when he escapes the planet where he had long been imprisoned, and which continue through the rest of the book. He's strong, determined, compassionate, and open-minded. And don't forget brilliant! He's put through a lot, and it makes for good reading.

Content warning: Sexual assault and abuse are explicitly but not graphically included. Reader beware.