A review by rayaslibraryy
Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings


‘how’s the weather, parks?’

i have been dying for a show or movie or even a fricken book that’s similar to gossip girl and miss jessa hastings DELIVERED! the drama was literally unmatched it left me speachless…

every single character in this book is messed up and toxic literally the epitome of what you LOVE in a book but would hate in real life. i fell in love with every character, hated every character but also felt sorry for every character. magnolia and bj are in love with eachother it literally consumed them but don’t know how to simply love eachother or themselves they’re so confused and broken and hurt and it shows.

‘he’s a time bomb for me, do you see now? that he’ll hurt me. he’ll always hurt me. i’ll never be safe with him, even if i’m always safe next to him’

i want to hate bj but you literally can’t his so broken and lost you just want to slap him but hug him at the same time. and magnolia is honestly just as bad but she’s heartbroken and doesn’t trust him which is severely understandable - the ending