A review by jacqueline1989
Silent Truth by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love


The plot was high-powered intense, the characters were lovable, heroic, strong, believable, and the writing was out of this world!

Such, as I always state, are sure-fired features of any Sherrilyn Kenyon novel, and when Kenyon and Love pair up to write...watch out! Silent Truth, the third BAD book the authors have co-written together, was seriously great! I regret that I wasn't able to sit down and devote enough continuous time to read this book, but even still, having read this novel over the span of many days, it was still very, very good!

One of my favorite aspects to this book, among many, deals with the hero, Hunter. I adored, truly, how there is a lot more to this male lead than what appeared to be in previous novels. He was truly a fun character to read, and I really liked how his loyalty was so well noted in who he was. Abbie, the heroine of the this story, was equally amazing. She was strong and passionate, but most of all, resilient.

And yet, despite the seemingly vast differences between Abbie and Hunter, what I loved even more was that the two shared equally strong commonalities. Life had given both the proverbial bitch-slap, and yet both Hunter and Abbie picked themselves off the floor by their boot straps and continued on.

The intrigue and suspense of this series amps itself up with every story, and Silent Truth was as high-powered intense as the previous books! All around, a five star book, no doubt!