A review by laurenjodi
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon


4 Stars

Having lived a life of unbearable hardship and suffering, Acheron Parthenopaeus, the enigmatic leader of the Dark-Hunters, will do anything to keep the horror of his early life a secret from those who trust him with their lives. But Atlantologist, Dr. Tory Kafieri, is on the verge of revealing Acheron’s dark past and he will have to do something drastic to stop her …

This book languished on my unfinished shelf for a couple of years as I tried again and again to struggle through the first few sections. It isn’t that the story is slow paced or boring in any way. On the contrary, Kenyon’s writing is engrossing and the details of Acheron’s devastating childhood are heart-wrenching. Perhaps herein lies the problem as the first 50% of the book details the truly awful life that Acheron was forced to endure and the descriptions are so harsh, vicious and cruel that it is difficult to continue reading.

The second half of the story involves Acheron’s love/hate relationship with Tory, the one woman who couldn’t care less about his past and refuses to be intimidated by a man who could snuff out her life in a heartbeat. The romance is lovely and it is wonderful to see Acheron find the happiness that has been denied him for far too long. The love and loyalty of the Dark-Hunters for their leader is also something special to behold and it made me want to go back an re-read all of their stories.

Despite my initial struggles with the book, Acheron is well worth the read although I cannot say that it completely lives up to the hype as his heartbreaking past does detract somewhat from the aura of invincibility that had been established throughout the first 13 books of the series.

It will be interesting to see where Kenyon takes the series now that her most powerful character has his HEA.