A review by karenluvstoread
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel


I find this book a bit hard to review. The publisher’s description calls it earthy and magical; and I think that’s a really good description of it. There were things I liked about it, and things that were not my cup of tea. Here's a brief summary of my thoughts:

*The writing is very engaging. I love a good story with magical realism and I think the author did that well. She wove in the magical elements seamlessly. 

*I thought the unique structure was fantastic, starting with a recipe and intertwining the story in with the making of the recipes. 

*The story had a sensuality to it which is fine but just wasn’t really my cup of tea. Still, I thought it was very well written. 

*I really had a problem with Pedro, Tita’s love interest. I can’t explain why without giving spoilers. Suffice it to say, I felt he was selfish; and in some ways, I thought he was trying to have his cake and eat it too so to speak. I didn’t like how he treated Tita a number of times. 

*I was very disappointed with the ending. I think this could have turned out with an ending for Tita so much better than what the writer gave her.

In the end, this book was a read that did keep me engaged. And as I already mentioned, it had such a unique structure with the recipes that I really loved. 

I read this as part of my reading around the world challenge for the country of Mexico.