A review by snazzybooks
Another Woman's Husband, by Gill Paul


Book reviews on www.snazzybooks.com

I didn't read up much about this novel before I started it, and I'm so glad I didn't. It really surprised me - both in the plot (I'd forgotten that one of the narratives is set just after Diana's death in 1997, but find the entire subject so interesting) and the way certain parts seemed unconnected but then came together in unexpected ways.

I loved reading both timeframes; the 1997 narrative is something I can very vaguely remember happening - I was only 7 at the time, but remember where I was at the time as I remember my grandparents and parents being so shocked. It was so interesting to read about - both the parts that were fact, and those that the author fabricated to great effect (And still, despite some exaggeration in some aspects - which the author explains at the end - it's still completely believable!). I also really enjoyed reading the 1911 timeframe, as that's a fascinating era to me and always so shocking as it reinforces how different life was back then, especially for women.

The main female characters in Another Woman's Husband are interesting and likeable, though some of the people around them are definitely not nice people! I felt that Gill Paul did a great job of evoking a real sense of time and place in both storylines. Although it's not a jam-packed, action-adventure storyline, I still found it gripping; it's a very well-written, intriguing novel which I'd definitely recommend! 

Many thanks to Headline Review and Netgalley for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest and unbiased review.