A review by renee_conoulty
The Ghoul Archipelago by Stephen Kozeniewski


The Ghoul Archipelago is a zombie apocalypse novel, but not the average survival in the suburbia style. Mostly set on tropical islands, with pirates, religious zealots, a money hungry techno entrepreneur, and then the military join the party. I was left spinning, trying to figure out who the bad guys were.

This is the second book I have read by Stephen. This was less humorous and more gruesome than Braineater Jones. I'm not generally a horror reader, so was a little apprehensive when I picked this up, but it wasn't as horrific as I expected. I think I cope with gory words better than gory movies.

I loved the sex drives and jar heads. There were so many characters involved that I didn't relate to any one in particular. I was hoping that the theory of why zombies existed would be explained, and I wasn't disappointed. I might use "because I said so" on my kids, but that just doesn't cut it for me in a zombie novel.

I received this book free in exchange for an honest review.