A review by naiapard
Darkest Moon by Linsey Hall


I went into this book, because I had read other works from this author, one or two years ago. They all ca be summed up to a lovers-haters relationship of a heterosexual couple, written in two POVs (his and hers), where, on the surface, they are both chasing some goal, while in fact struggling to keep their hands off each other.

Not that challenging of a plot, but, the writing, per se, does not lack in its skillfulness. I mean, even if the follow-up scenes are easy to anticipate, the pleasure that one gets out of these books is in the details, in the language form.

But, again, you are not reading some classic in life, the bar is pretty low.
I am judging this book by comparison with other paranormal/fantasy/urban-paranormal/fantasies.

This is not the latest masterpiece in English language, but nonetheless, the general tone of the writing is still somehow “eh, ok, fine”:

“My life had been all cold duty until she arrived.”

A bit sappy isn`t it? But we can go even further:

“What the hell was I doing? Trying to mark my territory? It was common with mates, but she wasn`t my mate.”

In all fairness, the parts that are the most cringe-worthy are those in HIS voice, while those in HER voice are quite good. Perhaps, the author is more comfortable with writing from one point-of-view, only, without having to make the jump to and fro, but for some reason she chose to do it in here.

But, overall, it was a short neat book.
It was quite welcomed.

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