A review by probablyjenna
The Blonde Dies First by Joelle Wellington


The Blonde Dies First tricked me because I expected a slasher, but it’s actually a supernatural storyline. I almost quit reading when I realized that because I just wasn’t in the mood, but I stuck with it & found myself mostly enjoying the book.

It’s one you can’t take too seriously, which was hard to adjust to because I think Joelle Washington’s book Their Vicious Games was a story with a lot more meat on the bones. This one has attempts at deeper social commentary, but overall it felt a bit repetitive and heavy handed. 

BUT again, you just can’t take it too seriously. I think this will be a fun October read for lots of people who want a lightly creepy story about a demon. 

One thing I think this book suffered from is being too precious with main characters. Considering a demon was hunting them, the main group of friends really didn’t suffer too much. It took me out of the story a bit because it never felt like they were in true danger; that could be a selling point for some people, but it just made the action scenes a bit boring to me.

I’m giving this a 3.5 and plan to read whatever Washington comes up with next. It was entertaining and had some true moments with creep factor; I just wanted a bit more.