A review by hyms
The Iron Legends by Julie Kagawa


Winter's Passage is a nice short novella, telling the story between The Iron Knight and The Iron Daughter. It starts out with a summary of the last book, which is kind and great if it's been a while since you've read it and if you, like me, have a really bad memory!

I didn't really care for Meghan during The Iron Knight and frankly nothing really changed in the short story. She is so pathetic most of the time. Yes, she honors her promise and follows Ash to Winter Court, but she doesn't do anything besides whine during the entire journey. She so passive and expects Ash to do everything and take care of her. Ugh, take some responsibility! Besides, I really don't understand why Meghan left without a sweater. I mean, she knew she was going to Winter Court - was she expecting a lot of sunshine? She is freezing her ass off (obviously) only 'cause she's stupid. Sigh, I really don't like Meghan!

Ash, on the other hand, I kind of like. He struggles with his feelings for Meghan - they shouldn't be together and feelings aren't really appreciated at Winter Court. Yet, he can't stay away from Meghan. But once again she shows how dumb she is; even though he explains to her, why he has to keep a distance, she constantly questions his feelings and intentions. Ugh, I still don't like Meghan. No need for Captain Obvious!

The story is action packed and rather enjoyable. The writing improved even if it isn't as good as The Immortal Rules. It's recommendable, if you want to know more about Meghan and (especially) Ash.