A review by booksreadbydeepti
Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami


Book 14 of 2023 - Kafka on the Shore by Haruku Murakami - Experience filled with metaphors and mystique

Rating: 5 stars

This was the second book in the Murakami Marathon hosted by Bell Book & Candle Book Club. Having loved Norwegian Wood, I dived into this book with an open mind and open heart.

This book was definitely different from Norwegian Wood, with a structured plot mixed with many narratives with dream-like sequences which got me into a wormhole when I really wanted. The first part of the book was a bit confusing to get used to, but slowly it picks up and I just couldn't stop reading it.

Sometimes there were other dark books which started pulling me into a slump, this book was right there along the way, with something crazy to wake me up like a slap in my face lol. Yes there are jarring parts, but I had already accepted them in Norwegian wood, even though some were hard to stomach, but the experience kept me going.

The discussion experience was wonderful too, people had many different interesting perspectives like Pink Floyd’s album cover, Cat connections, Johnie walker’s prophecy and so many more, made the reading experience much more satisfying. The meetings became a highlight.

Hoshino and Oshima were two of my favourite characters, something about their thoughts, character arcs and introspections were so beautiful to read, they were full of mystique but so deep in their own way. I sometimes felt like being in a trance.

The book was an experience which I will always remember, a pick me up when I was feeling off. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who is open to experiencing the book*wink*.