A review by crackedspines
HORROR STORIES 2 by Tunku Halim


I was so ready to give this book 4.5/5 stars, but the last story, Pig Heart (play), ruined everything for me. First of all, the Malaysian slangs were mostly incorrect and the whole "Manglish" talk seemed kinda forced and made me cringe so hard while reading it. For example, one of the characters said, "Why he don't ask for a human heart, mah?". Umm, okay. Malaysians don't speak like that. And "mah" is the wrong slang word to be used in this context, FYI. A Malaysian would say, "Why he don't ask for a human heart leh?". Take note.

Next, is it just me, or are two of stories in this book actually not horror stories? I'm talking about Monkeys! and the play I mentioned above. There were no horror elements in them. If that's actually the case, then isn't the title of the book quite misleading? I paid RM24.90 for horror stories, as stated in the title, Horror Stories 2, not a random collection of Tunku Halim's work.

Also, I think it's worth mentioning that I bought the first Horror Stories for my sister, and on the cover page, there's a quote by New Straits Times claiming that it's "one of the most unpleasant books I have read." At the end there was an asterisk, which I never noticed until I was looking through my purchases at home. On the back cover of the book, there was a footnote saying, and I quote it word for word, "OK the quote from the New Straits Times is for a different book, but it's by the same author so we are certain the endorsement would also apply." Hmm. I'm pretty sure that's not how reviews work. I felt deceived because I thought that the review was for this particular book that I've bought. If I had looked closely and read the footnote, I probably would not have bought it.

So, because of the misleading titles and reviews on these two books, I've lost all faith in Tunku Halim's books as well as the publishing company. I won't be picking up any other books of his, but I might give other Fixi Novo authors a try, but only after meticulously checking out the cover for misleading reviews.