A review by otterno11
The Grave Robber's Daughter by Richard Sala



Creepy, weird, and whimsical, The Grave Robber’s Daughter is fun, frothy macabre mystery-horror comedy perfect to read as Halloween approaches. A fairly straightforward spooky plot involving gothic tropes such as grave robbing, mysteriously empty towns, creepy old carnivals, and the occult, it is not the deepest work but it uses its material well and Richard Sala’s art has a great style.I had not read the previous appearance of the amusingly foul mouthed “girl detective” Judy Drood but it quickly became apparent that she took no guff from anything, not even undead clowns, and it was hilarious how she kicked and clubbed her way out of the horrifying situation she found herself in without batting an eye. By the way, this might not be the best thing to read late at night for anyone who finds clowns more than a little creepy as it will certainly not help this!