A review by krista7
The Fall of the Governor: Part Two, by Jay Bonansinga, Robert Kirkman


Some might argue a novelization should be judged differently than a novel. I disagree. Just because something is inspired by another vehicle (comics, TV) does not mean it should skimp out on characterization, plot, or signs of craftsmanship.

This book does miss those characterizations. We have a thinly depicted heroine (and her boyfriend), the Governor (who is just a flat cypher of insane evil), and a few other characters with no greater memorable qualities than the spelling of their names. The dialogue, punctuated by "fucks" and all capital letters, strives for urgency and just comes up as one-note.

In short: I suspect the novelizations are far weaker than the comics (which I haven't read) or the TV show (which I have seen). I won't be back into this form of the TWD universe.