A review by llamallamacallurmama
Cupcakes for My Orc Enemy by Honey Phillips

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
**Most of my reviews contain detailed Content Warning/Trigger Warning (CW/TW) sections, which may include spoilers.  I have tried to mark them appropriately, but please use caution.** 



Summary: When she moves to a small town as part of a scheme to attract more human residents, coffee shop owner meets her grumpy orc baker neighbour next door.

Stats: CR/Fantasy, M/F, Open door, stand alone

Notes: DNF'ed because the characters were annoying, especially the MMC, and nothing made sense. The FMC's clothes and breasts kept being described as provocative, and being used to excuse other characters' behaviour and it just didn't sit well with me.

Incomplete, but still spoilery, Content Notes
Alcohol, death of parents, general manhandling, random threat of spanking, MMC’s grandmother keeps causally physically hurting him, MMC throws something out of anger/irritation, constant use of “provocative to describe the FMC/her body, MMC is sexist (played as a joke), MMC accuses the FMC of “dressing up like bait” and generally slutshames her clothes, MMC hits a table, jealousy, minor injury, magical medical care, medication that makes the FMC feel drunk at which point she comes on to the MMC who strips and bathes her, infidelity in last relationship, orevious employer/employee relationship which ended badly, spanking (not negotiated or really kink)