A review by isalaur
Fractured Truth by Susan Furlong


Mixed feelings

I’ve got mixed feelings about book two. While I find the premise interesting Brynn really makes me nuts.

Perhaps I’m too judgmental but I got really tired of her woe is me inner monologue when she is the cause of most of her own problems. The drinking and pills back and forth just got to be too much for me. I guess I like my female protagonists to be kick ass and she is just too whiny and weak for me. And it’s not just that she’s an addict but that she rationalizes her behavior despite obviously being smart enough to see the damage she is doing to herself, her career and especially to Wilco who she claims to care so much about. She has a sense of entitlement that is frustrating and she doesn’t see that she is as judgmental about the “settled” as she accuses others of being about the Travellers.

I guess the overall issue is that she’s just not a likable character for me and I need to be able to root for my protagonists. Half the time I want to smack her.