A review by stacias99
Ghost Story by Jim Butcher


An excellent read. Jim Butcher continues building the momentum from [b:Changes|6585201|Changes (The Dresden Files, #12)|Jim Butcher|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg|6778696]. While the pacing of [b:Ghost Story|8058301|Ghost Story (The Dresden Files, #13)|Jim Butcher|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1311704433s/8058301.jpg|12731936] is different from Changes, the plot and character development continue. Thirteen books in, and Mr. Butcher has made what was already an enjoyable and interesting world even more so. There's no stagnation, as there often is with long running series, and while he's continually reinventing Dresden's Chicago, I still recognize and love the characters. Highly recommended.