A review by damnthereiam
Year of Yes, by Shonda Rhimes


Meh, I dunno. I don't know if I really like Shonda Rimes. I never realized how much she is a combination of Olivia Pope and Meredith Grey. It makes sense obviously but I don't know that I would have wanted to read a book by them about how wonderful they are? There were a few real things in the book that had me nodding my head and I felt were sincere and I could relate to but they were few and far between. Here is one of those sincere quotes:

"Are you ready? Here’s how you know if you are ready or not: Three years ago, if someone had said something to me like “Nothing works until you are really ready for it to work,” I would have force-fed them butter until they weighed one thousand pounds. Because that sounds like crap. Everything sounds like crap until you are in the right mind-set".