A review by wast
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee


I felt amusement turning into indignant displeasure by reading this book.

There are a lot of sentences that are not clear to me.

0. A black hound loped down the street in the distance, the monkey puzzles bristled silently on the corners of the square.
1. The course of English Literature would have been decidedly different had Mr. Wordsworth owned a power mower, she thought.

2. upon completing his thirteenth year: Alexandra declared that Aaron Stein was the greediest boy she had ever seen, that he ate fourteen ears of corn at his Menopause.

3. She would keep her coffee down come hell or high water.

4. She followed him into a dark parlor to which clung the musky sweet smell of clean Negro, snuff, and Hearts of Love hairdressing.

5. “Oh her. She got married to a right peculiar boy during the war and now she rolls her ah’s so, you’d never recognize her.”

6. drank an enormous slug of cherry wine in her face
7. Nowadays he’s got more than he ever had in his life, he has everything but breeding, he’s freed himself from every stigma, but he sits nursing his hangover of hatred. . . .”
8. He’s so far out of this century he can’t go to the bathroom, he goes to the water closet.
9. had the sensation of being floored by a feather.