A review by annashiv
The Realms of the Gods by Tamora Pierce


Maybe 2.5 stars.

Something went very wrong with this one. I only enjoyed the all too brief moments between Daine and Numair. There was hardly any real use of Daine's gift, and the story is poor overall. It just felt very off. I think the overall plot would have been better stretched over a few more books.

It also needed an editor. All through this series, I've spotted simple spelling/grammar mistakes and with this one, an editor for the plotting and pacing would have really helped. I assume they wanted to get it out on a deadline but they should have delayed it to really give this series an ending it deserved.

Ultimately I just had to power through the last 80 pages or so only paying half attention. There are too many characters, very few stakes that felt important. Somehow I was just led to not care about what happened to anyone in the final battle, which is strange cause I've loved them in the previous books already. I think I'll just prefer to pretend this doesn't exist for the most part. If I ever pick up the series again, future self, don't read this one. Not worth it. Just be content with the ending of the third and make up your own stuff.