A review by ciararosney
I Love the Bones of You: My Father And The Making Of Me, by Christopher Eccleston


Absolutely adored this book. Being a fan of Christopher for most of my life, I was eager to read this and I’m so glad I didn’t waste any more time. He takes us through the incredibly hard times of his life, of which many people would never disclose, and it made me admire him even more. Of course, reading about someone who has always been so private shows his flaws, but it made him seem much more human than someone we watch on TV.

What his family went through with his father is something I’m sure a large number of people can relate to. Reading it made it much more emotional and it was strangely beautiful.

Also, being from around the corner from where Christopher is from made it hit home even more - quite literally. I could picture the places mentioned, picture more vividly what he was telling us readers.

The only other thing I have to say is that I did struggle sometimes because it felt a bit jumpy. It wasn’t told 100% in chronological order, but I think that’s more of a personal preference as I sometimes struggle to get my head around when things are taking place when stories are told this way.